Testimonial - Lauryn and Matthew

感謝Cocoon Bridal嘅專業眼光同建議,喺我鐘意嘅眾多款裙之中揀選同我最襯嘅一款!cutting靚又貼身!影相同現實睇一樣咁靚 Thank you 阿朗for the top notch service!!! Highly recommended!
Make up - Jaqueline
Photographer - Cheng(Panda)
Lauryn & Matthew

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Testimonial - Ms Chow

好多女仔為咗件the one,會走訪無數間婚紗店。幸運的我,在搜集婚紗介紹的報導和店舖資料,已經被Cocoon的潮褂和輕婚紗所吸引。Cocoon係我第一間亦係唯一試衫的婚紗店,多謝Mac的耐心介紹,讓我找到喜歡的潮褂和婚紗,亦令我在big day上當了一天公主!婚禮結束後,我已經急不及待和你們分享喜悅了!期待收到攝影師更多的相片!
Ms Chow

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Heidi & Cyrus

Dear Mac,
Thank you so much for giving us valuable advice, choosing me all the spectacular gowns. We truly enjoy the experience and time spent at Cocoon with you. We are deeply appreciated.
Photographer: W Kenny @ Studio 10

Best regards,
Heidi & Cyrus

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Natalie & Ricky

感謝Cocoon Bridal讓我在Big Day那天展現出前所未有的自信與美麗。
MUA Moe’s beauty
Photography MOEP
Natalie & Ricky

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